When parents separate it is important that both parents maintain contact with the children notwithstanding the age or sex of the children. After separation, if a parent wants to move and the move would materially interfere with the other parent’s contact and access to the children, there are a series of statutory factors that a Court will be required to consider before issuing an Order that permits a parent to move with the children. It is possible that a parent will be denied permission to move with the children. This may occur if the other parent has been an involved parent or if the move is not in the best interest of the children, or if a substituted schedule of contact with the children may not be sufficient to maintain the other parent’s relationship with the children.
Tag: family law attorney lake county
Sometimes The Best Man For A Job Is A Woman
At Dahl Family Law Group we esteem men too. Most of us are married to them or are raising sons to become great men, husbands and fathers. So do not read this title and think I am bashing men. But sometimes a man should think before going into a divorce or family law matter (especially going into Court) on whether a woman attorney might serve his needs better. Many a man will tell you they left court and felt the result was not fair because it seemed the Court saw things as two men beating up on the little woman. I have had several male clients tell me they flat out hired me because I was a woman that worked and would not automatically expect every wife to stay at home. Another said only women can figure out other women and I need someone to figure this out. One of my favorite clients complemented that his soon-to-be ex-wife’s crocodile tears did not phase me.

Encouraging Our Clients | Family Law
[h2]Encouraging Our Clients | Family Law[/h2]
Dahl Family Law Group – Encouraging clients through the family law process while fighting for their rights. J.J. Dahl Esq. B.C.S.
[iframe image_path=”http://www.jjdahl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/jj-dahl-on-the-process.jpg” url=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/gXv16e12ICI” width=”540″ height=”295″]

Educating Our Clients | Family Law
[h2]Educating Our Clients | Family Law[/h2]
Dahl Family Law Group’s commitment to educating clients on legal matters and beyond for their family. J.J. Dahl Esq. B.C.S.
[iframe image_path=”http://www.jjdahl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/jj-dahl-on-the-process.jpg” url=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/l4QTbNmzcP4″ width=”540″ height=”295″]